Stop the Spread of COVID-19 by Wearing Proper PPE

Both employers and workers on construction sites should do their part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in their workplace. It is important to follow CDC guidelines and wear the proper personal protective equipment to prevent an outbreak of COVID-19 on the jobsite.

What Employees can do to Stop the Spread

Employees can take steps to stop the spread of COVID-19 to protect themselves and those around them.

  • Stay home if you have symptoms of COVID-19
  • If you are sick, do not return to work until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met
  • Maintain a distance of 6 feet apart from others
  • Wear cloth face coverings in public settings
  • Limit tool sharing
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces
  • Practice proper hand hygiene

What Employers can do to Stop the Spread of COVID-19

Employers have the responsibility of doing what they can to make jobsites safer for their workers. It is important to follow CDC guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. Some things that employers should do include:

  • Have a COVID-19 response plan
  • Provide employees with information about COVID-19 and how it spreads
  • Provide training on proper handwashing techniques
  • Give employees access to soap and running water to clean their hands
  • Develop social distancing guidelines
  • Provide and train workers on correct PPE to use
  • Use COVID-19 posters and signs
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

What PPE Should Construction Workers be Wearing?

On the construction site, workers need to wear the proper PPE to protect them from jobsite hazards as well as to stop the spread of COVID-19. The PPE that workers wear may vary depending on their job, but most workers should be wearing:

  • Face masks
  • Gloves
  • Safety Glasses

Other supplies and gear that workers may need include:

  • Alcohol wipes
  • Workstation guards
  • Hand washing stations
  • Cleaning supplies

TSCSE Provides PPE and Supplies

At TSC Southeast, we provide the PPE and supplies that are needed to protect against COVID-19. Our supplies include hand sanitizer, handwashing stations, COVID-19 signage, cleaning supplies, face masks, gloves and more. We provide COVID-19 supply packages for construction sites that allow workers to return to work safely. If you are interested in learning more about our PPE, contact us today.

To shop online and receive a 10% discount, enter promo code FLORIDA10 in our online store.

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