Phase I Environmental Assessment

Project Name: Multi Family Units

Location: Bronx, NY

Client Type: Low-income family housing

Services Provided: 

  • Phase I ESA & Phase II ESA 
  • NEPA Environmental Assessment
  • CEQR Environmental Assessment Statement, including field noise study
  • BCP Pre-Application & Meeting
  • BCP Application 
  • Brownfield Cleanup Agreement
  • BCP Remedial Investigation Work Plan
  • BCP Remedial Investigation
  • BCP Remedial Action Work Plan
  • BCP Remedial Action Work Plan Implementation 
  • BCP Final Engineering Report

GBTS worked with the client over several years and phases of the project, initially through environmental due diligence requirements of the various funding sources for the project. Services provided were a Phase I, Phase II, NEPA and CEQR, including a detailed field noise study to evaluate sound attenuation requirements for the building, and subsequently through an application to the New York State Brownfields Program.  The site was accepted into the BCP in March 2019 and GBTS prepared and implemented a Remedial Investigation Work Plan. Historical site uses had included a former automotive facility, and subsurface impacts included a historical petroleum release as well as elevated metals. GBTS prepared and implemented a Remedial Action Work Plan. Remediation/construction took place during 2021-2022 and the site achieved Residential cleanup objectives and obtained its Certificate of Completion in December 2022. 

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